Tug O’ War: Also known as Tug of War, is a test of strength in which two teams pull on opposite ends of a rope with the aim of bringing the rope in their own direction against the pulling force of the opposing team. Tug O’ War traces its roots to ceremonies and cults throughout the ancient world and was carried out not only as a sport, in some places it was also used to settle disputes.
The earliest records indicate Tug O’ War was performed in various styles; some cultures, such as those in Afghanistan, used a wooden stake instead of a rope to pull. In ancient Greece, Tug O’ War was a contest of pure physical strength and was not only a competitive sport in the ancient Olympics but was also a training exercise to prepare for other sports.
There are also records of Tug-O-War being part of Western Eurpoean ‘kräftige spiele’ (literally translates to ‘strong games’), a participatory contest similar to the present-day strength and endurance challenges. It was a popular sport in the court of the Emperor of ancient China and was also practiced in parts of Central and West Asia.
By the 1600’s, Tug-O-War was a popular contest in tournaments in France/U.K. and became an official Olympic Sport from 1900 up till 1920 after which it was removed along with a number of other team sports.
It wasn’t until 1999 that the Tug of War International Federation (TWIF) received provisional IOC recognition again, and in 2002, the sport received formal recognition in accordance with Rule 29 of the Olympic Charter.
Today, Tug of War remains as a recognized sport by the IOC with the Tug of War International Federation (TWIF) as the recognized world governing body for the sport of Tug of War.